Woodfords Canyon, on Highway 88 between Woodfords, California and Hope Valley, has really perked up since last week. On Saturday, October 26, it was glowing with a lot of yellow and some oranges. The middle canyon is At Peak (90%) and the lower canyon is Near Peak at 70%.
The Upper Canyon, which I thought was past peak last week, actually has some good color, especially in the Desolation Hotel Campground.
That’s the good news. The bad news is that a storm is on the way and high winds are forecast for today. They’ve already picked up down here in Gardnerville.
The winds might spell trouble for the leaves that are peaking. The trees in the lower elevations of the canyon may still keep their leaves since they’re not quite as far along as the middle and upper canyon.
Your best bet is to head up there as early as possible today before the storm rolls in. The forecast also calls for a break in the weather on Wednesday, so you can head up there then to see if there’s any color left.
To learn more about Woodfords Canyon and a great restaurant there where you can get sandwiches and ice cream, see our previous blog post on Woodfords Canyon. Â
Hope Valley’s Grand Finale Grove Putting on a Show
Although Hope Valley is Past Peak, it still has a surprising amount of color for late October. Usually at this time, what I call the Grand Finale Grove is the only color you’ll see there. But as of October 26, there was still a lot of color by Crater Lake Road and in the middle of the valley.
Speaking of the Grand Finale Grove (the group of trees that cover the hillside along Highway 89 leading up to Luther Pass), it’s looking great right now with yellows and oranges. The trees alongside the road that were looking drab last week really redeemed themselves and are now a deep red. Lots of people were parked along the road taking photos. If you do this, make sure you’re parked completely off the road and be careful of traffic.
With today’s winds and the incoming storm, it’s anybody’s guess whether any of this color will be left a couple of days from now. Hopefully, Mother Nature will leave some color for us fall foliators to appreciate.
Woodfords Canyon and Hope Valley Fall Color Update 2024
• Lower Woodfords Canyon – Near Peak (70%)
• Middle Woodfords Canyon – At Peak (90%)
• Upper Woodfords Canyon – Peak to Past Peak. Best color here is at Desolation Hotel Campground.
• Hope Valley’s Grand Finale Grove – About half the grove is At Peak, but the other half of the trees are still green. If the green leaves don’t freeze and undergo their usual transformation there could be some color here for a while.