If you like fall color drives in the country, now is the time to venture over to the Carson Valley, south of Carson City. The maples are looking spectacular, the best I’ve ever seen them. They’ve been a deep scarlet red for a while now, probably due to the mild weather, and just seem to be getting better and better.  The combination of red maples and yellow cottonwoods is striking right now.
Unfortunately, that mild weather isn’t going to last. A storm system Sunday afternoon through Tuesday is bringing wind and cold temperatures, which means the maple leaves might not have much longer. Saturday and early on Sunday is a great time to appreciate them before the storm gets here.
Fall Color in Genoa
The Town of Genoa is an ideal place to spend a few hours on Nevada Day weekend. It’s filled with historic charm, restaurants, and shops. You may see a deer or two wandering around. The other day, we saw a woman stopping traffic in Genoa so that two peacocks could cross the road. One of the peacocks was an albino. How often do you see something like that?
Cottonwoods are At Peak in certain spots in the valley and green in others. On Thursday, October 24, I found the best cottonwood color:
•  By Cradlebaugh Bridge between Carson City and Minden on Highway 395. It’s At Peak right now (75%) and looking magical. If you stop to take a photo be careful of the traffic rushing by on Highway 395.
• The drive into Genoa from Highway 395. The cottonwoods here are really starting to light up with yellow leaves. They’re around 50% (Getting Better). In the Town of Genoa itself, the trees are mostly still green with a tiny bit of color at Mormon Station State Historic Park.
• Foothill Road between Genoa and Kingsbury Grade. Cottonwoods here are at 50% (Getting Better).
Carson City Cottonwoods
Carson City cottonwoods are also starting to pop, especially at Fuji Park where the trees looked magical backlit by afternoon sunlight on Thursday, October 24. The trees at Fuji Park were At Peak at around 75%. Fuji Park is located across from Costco on Old Clear Creek Road on the south end of town.
The cottonwoods by the railroad museum were also turning yellow at around 50% (Getting Better).